
December 2017
enough, Journey Financial
Dear @financial_laura, I’m 35 and my family has just moved to a bigger house with a larger mortgage payment which is cutting into our monthly savings rate.  Not being able to save for retirement stresses me out!  Is there a calculation to determine how much money I need to have saved when I retire? This...
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Saving money, budgeting, Journey Financial
Dear @financial_laura, I’m just not that into you…er, I mean…finance.  How do I get excited about budgeting and saving money when it puts me to sleep? Nearly all personal finance advice stems from the basic fundamental principle which is: ‘save more than you spend’. But if this mantra and the key to your financial success...
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personal finance, journey financial, laura recoskie
Welcome to my first blog post!  Let me introduce my financial journey. Following the completion of my MBA, nearly 10 years ago, I walked away with a lot of theoretical knowledge, but virtually no idea how to put it into practice.  And I was not alone.  Together with a group of classmates from the program, we decided...
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