
saving money
RESP, saving money
“We are setting aside money each month for our children, but we haven’t opened an RESP because we don’t want the money to be locked in for solely education purposes.  What if we want to give them the money for a house down payment, or a wedding?” In this world nothing can be said to...
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eat out, meal planning, budget
Dear @financial_laura, I’m just so exhausted every Friday that I find we eat out at least once a week, if not more.  How often can I afford to eat out? Life. Is. Busy. I get it.  Competing priorities often trump any time you have to dedicate to meal planning.  And it’s not enough to just...
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cents, budget, personal finance
Dear @financial_laura, Where I live, gas prices are cheaper on some days of the week.  Does it make sense to try to buy when prices are a few cents lower? Depending on where you live in Canada, gas can represent a large portion of your monthly spending.  The 2016 Census indicates that average commuting time...
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